How to know you have high blood pressure or not ?

Honestly, there is no exact symptoms of high blood pressure or hypertension. You have to measure your blood pressure in a blood pressure monitoring machine to accurately know that you have high blood pressure or not.

Very few common symptoms of high blood pressure:

  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Vision problems mostly blured vision
  • Chest pain or chest discomfort
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Irregular heartbeat

High Blood Pressure Level Range (Adult)

Blood Pressure CategorySystolic (upper level)Diastolic (lower level)
Normal Blood PressureLess than 120 mm Hg Less than 80 mm Hg
Pre- High Blood Pressure120–139 mm Hg80–89 mm Hg
High Blood Pressure140 mm Hg or higher90 mm Hg or higher

How does high blood pressure increase the risk of other disease?

  • Damage your heart.
  • Damage your brain.
  • Damage your kidneys.
  • Damage your eyes.